Indiana Partners for Pollution Prevention
2013年9月25日(水) - 9月26日(木)
Plainfield, IN
Indiana Partners for Pollution Prevention (汚染防止のためのインディアナ・パートナーズ)は、National Pollution Prevention Roundtable(全米汚染防止ラウンドテーブル)と共同で、16th Annual Pollution Prevention Conference and Trade Show (第16回年次汚染防止会議および展示会)を、9月25日-26日の日程でインディアナ州プレインフィールド市にて開催いたします。本年度の会議では、汚染防止、持続可能な成長、環境管理責任などについて、US EPA、 Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)、Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Roundtable、National Pollution Prevention Roundtable、Kentucky Pollution Prevention Centerなど、地元、全米そして海外からのスピーカーによるプレゼンテーションやワークショップが開催されます。
また本会議は、JASIの企業会員である、Duke Energy, Eli Lilly & Company, Keihin North America, Toyota Industrial Equipment Manufacturing, Subaru of Indiana Automotiveをはじめ、多くの企業が支援、参加を表明しております。
The Indiana Partners for Pollution Prevention is an organization comprised of Indiana industries and businesses that are interested in pollution prevention as well as the financial and environmental benefits P2 projects can bring. The Partners provide a forum where Indiana businesses can network and exchange ideas about P2 experiences and discuss how P2 fits into current and future IDEM programs. The Partners realize that pollution prevention is the arena where the environment and economics can meet on common ground.
For the past sixteen years, the Indiana Partners for Pollution Prevention (Partners) have sponsored a statewide pollution prevention conference and trade show. The conference has been extremely successful as pollution prevention (P2) practices among industry continue to grow. This year the Indiana Partners for Pollution Prevention is joining forces with the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR) in an effort to broaden the scope of the conference to a national level. The 2013 Pollution Prevention Conference and Trade Show will consist of two full days of workshops, training, presentations, and panels of industry experts running in three concurrent tracks each day. There will also be time set aside specifically for networking, including a two hour evening reception on the first day of the event. The conference will also feature a trade show of exhibitors displaying their products and services to promote pollution prevention.
In addition to the extraordinary presentations from speakers across the country, the conference is offering a full day of GreenScreen ™ Training on day one at no additional charge. This is a very special offer, as this training is not usually as a component of other events. Space is limited for this training, so be sure to register early.
Conference Details and Registration:
Partner for Pollution Prevention: