
インディアナ日米協会: Japan-America Society of Indiana (JASI)は、文化、教育促進を目的とする非営利団体であり、インディアナ州民と日本国民の友好の架け橋となることを使命としています。当協会は個人、家族、企業、教育機関など、多様な会員の皆様からのご支援により運営されています。

JETRO Chicago & Japan-America Society of Indiana

Japan Leaders Luncheon

Aichi Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, and the State of Indiana
Hitachi Astemo, Toyota Motor Manufaturing, Indiana,

Friday, May 24, 2024


For more information and to register, click here.



インディアナ日米協会は501(c)(3)の団体です。全ての寄付は、法律で認められる範囲で税控除の対象となります。Tax ID:#35-1747168

Click here to donate.

JASI's "Oishii Indiana"!

The Japan-America Society of Indiana's new restaurant series, "Oishii Indiana", travels around Indiana visiting some of the best and most authentic Japanese restaurants in the state.  Enjoy "touring" a new restaurant each week!  The short videos will include interviews with the owners and chefs, the chef's demo of a popular dish, and live comments from customers. The new online series is made possible with support from the GEN-J program, the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership, and Japan-America Society of Indiana, with professional support from Monumental Productions. "Oishii Indiana" will help you discover the best of Japanese cuisine in Indiana!

Click here to watch the whole series!

JASI’s online series is made possible with support from the GEN-J program, the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership, and Japan-America Society of Indiana, with professional support from Monumental Productions. "Oishii Indiana" will help you discover the best of Japanese cuisine in Indiana! 

インディアナ州日米協会専務理事のテレサ・コザック氏に 旭日双光章の授与


Click here for more information.